Sunday 27 November 2011

Clippy for Christmas?

I can't quite remember how I came across Clippy although it was most likely through a blog! I had been after a new make up bag to carry around with me and this seemed perfect!! Clippy do a wide range of products from make-up bags to handbags even lunch bags. 

I ended up buying two Style Your Own Make-up Bags (which are also available with a silver and clear trim). I also bought their Style Your Own Magazine Clutch Bag. All of these are only £10 each!! Which I think is brilliant! 

I bought one for myself (as you can see) and the other two as Christmas Presents!! 

The best part of it is you can personalize it to make it unique! The make up bag has four inner pockets which can be filled with anything you like. The Clutch Bag is designed to hold a magazine cover however could be filled with any customised sheet. I would also personally use the Clutch Bag as a make-up/toiletries bag but that is just me.

I filled the pockets of mine with bits of card covered in pages from a John Lewis Catalogue, Photographs and postcards. The pockets are smaller than a 6x4 photograph so images would need to be cut down. For £14.50 you can get your purchase to arrive already filled with photos you upload or free images from the Clippy Gallery. 



  1. Wow!they're so cute!!!they ship to others country?I hope so,I like them!Bisous,Audrey
    ps.I'm following,love your blog.

  2. Aren't they just! :) They actually ship worldwide although there is a larger delivery charge than for the UK.

    Thank you I am off to check yours out :) x
